Placeholder Lanseta Yamaga Blanks BLUE CURRENT 77TZ NANO STREAM SPECIAL 2.31m 1.5-13gr Fuji - SpinningShop website

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Lanseta Yamaga Blanks BLUE CURRENT 77TZ NANO STREAM SPECIAL 2.31m 1.5-13gr Fuji Titanum Torzite

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Lanseta Yamaga Blanks BLUE CURRENT 77TZ NANO STREAM SPECIAL 2.31m 1.5-13gr Fuji Titanum Torzite

Seriile de lansete Yamaga BlueCurrent TZ/NANO sunt varfurile noastre de gama si am facut tot posibilul si am introdus toata maiestria noastra si cunostiile in a obtine lanseta suprema pentru pescuit Light. Odata pescuite, veti observa imediat senzitivitatea extrema, faptul ca sunt foarte usoare dar au o rezerva uriasa pe cotor. 


This rod which has been built with NANOALLOYⓇtechnology from TORAY LTD is for special situation. It achieved high sensitivity and usability of various lures without loosing repulsive force of rod, even in the rapid current. The potentials of this rod will be shown, mostly at the field where the experts likes.

Linie Carbon
2310mm 74g 2pcs Plug 2~9g / Rig 1.5~13g PE 0.3~0.8 99.3%

Closed Length : 1190mm Joint : Put over Ferrule Guide:TORZITE Titanium frame K Guide(Fuji)
Reel Seat:VSS16(Fuji) Suitable spinning reel size :DAIWA #2000 / SHIMANO #2000~C2500
Sizes of rod a. Length from reel foot to end of grip when reel is equipped. b. Whole length of grip.